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My own primary classrooms and the other classrooms I have had the privilege to be a part of over the past twenty-three years have shaped my thinking about literacy instruction and how important it is to put students and their thinking concretely at the centre of my teaching. The more classrooms I am in and the more teachers I meet, the more in awe I am of educators in this profession and their deep commitment to ongoing professional learning. My greatest hope is that my work gives teachers tools to further engage students in meaningful ways and opens up conversation among colleagues.


School-based Professional Learning:

Each educator is unique, and each class of students comes with their own set of strengths and stretches. Jennifer can work alongside educators in their classrooms to provide demonstration lessons, curriculum consultation, debriefing, observation, and discussion. She can tailor her work to meet the needs of the educators she is working with in classrooms. Jennifer can adapt her instruction by working in classrooms to ensure educators have a deep, meaningful learning experience.


Workshops can be tailored to the specific needs of the school, district, or organization. Jennifer provides hour-long, full-day, or multiple-day workshops focused on practical ideas and activities that educators can use in their classrooms the next day. Her ability to connect theory and practice through research-driven instruction ensures educators feel confident about what they are learning and how to implement their new ideas in the classroom.


An inspirational presentation is critical when planning a conference or symposium. Jennifer's presentations connect with educators through her stories of working with children and teachers. Her presentations have been described as heart-warming, motivational, and humorous. Educators from all backgrounds will leave the event full of energy and excitement, ready to return to their classrooms. Jennifer can present on various topics; however, literacy is her passion, and her enthusiasm comes through in her keynote presentations.

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